Bulldog 101

High School students are invited to register for Bulldog 101

Adrian College offers a pre-architecture program for students who plan to attend graduate school for architecture. Aspiring architects are required to earn a Masters in Architecture before they can become licensed. On top of meeting the course requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, pre-architecture students at Adrian College also complete the following coursework:

ART 100 (Three-Dimensional Design), ART 101 (Two-Dimensional Design), HIST 103 (Western Civilization I), HIST 104 (Western Civilization II), MATH 135 (Calculus I), PHIL 105 (Logic), and PHYS 205 (General Physics I).

In addition, Adrian College has established agreements with Washington University and Lawrence Technological University. These agreements enable students to spend three years completing both the Interior Design Core and the previously mentioned pre-architecture courses at Adrian College, followed by a year at Washington University or Lawrence Technological University for specialized study in architecture.

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